
The SCA screenings are a means for high school students and student/athletes to assess the possible risk they would be exposed to for SCA. There are multiple factors that the medical screening personnel will be looking for through a family interview and technical medical screening.

Family History

The student’s family history tells much about the possible risk. Previous family history of cardiac disease, cardiac abnormalities and sudden cardiac death in the family as well as other indicators can help the medical professionals determine the need for greater diagnostic testing.


Electrocardiogram (ECG) consists of taping a 12-leads to the body and then recording the results. The ECG can track and demonstrate the electrical pattern of different parts of the heart. It is a painless procedure and only takes a few minutes.


Echo or Echocardiography utllizes sound waves to demonstrate an anatomical view of the heart and its valves. Echo exams can be used to confirm findings from ECG as well as demonstrate physical malformations of the heart and its valves that were not demonstrated on ECG.