AB 1639

(The Eric Paredes Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Act)

  • Authored by Brian Maienschein, Assemblymember
  • Signed into law Sept 29, 2016 by Jerry Brown, Governor.
    Effective 01/01/2017

It’s four major points are:

  1. Requires Parents and High School Student-Athletes to acknowledge they received notice about Sudden Cardiac Arrest signs and symptoms.
  2. Coaches must remove student-athletes who pass our or faint from athletic competition.
  3. Coaches must be trained and certified to provide CPR (renewal every 2 years)
  4. Students removed from play must have clearance from their physician and/or surgeon, physician assistant or Nurse practitioner to resume sports activities.

Download AB 1639 (PDF) »

AB 2009

  • Authored by Brian Maienschein, Assemblymember
  • Signed into law Sept 21, 2018 by Jerry Brown Governor.
    Effective 01/01/2019

It’s five major points are:

  1. Requires school districts and schools to have a written Emergency Action Plan regarding Sudden Cardiac Arrest
  2. Requires that each school acquire and maintain at least one working Automated External Defibrillator available for student-athlete activities.
  3. AEDs must be available for use within 3-5 minutes of the SCA incident
  4. Ensure that AEDs are readily available to Athletic Trainers and Coaches during athletic programs or events
  5. AEDs must be regularly maintained and tested.

Download AB 2009 (PDF) »

AB 1719

  • Authored by Freddie Rodriguez, Assemblymember
  • Signed into law Sept 24, 2016 by Jerry Brown, Governor. Effective 01/01/2017

It’s four major points are:

  1. Authorizes school districts to teach compression only Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) in the health education classes
  2. Authorizes general information for students on how to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

American Heart AB 1719 »